We are ...

Bernabé Mayorga, Tamisietta Obleitner and Attila Missura.

Bernabé is a native of Rincón de Lobos, Gaucho, although he does not refer to himself as such and has acquired his skills on various estancias. Horses are his passion. The Argentine half-bloods were bred and ridden by him. As a person, Bernabé exudes an integrity that can only be acquired by living together with the wild. Constant companions on ventures with him are his cordiality and his tireless good humor.

Since the year 2000, we have been practicing trekking in Patagonia on horseback and on foot.

Attila got to know the region in 1998, when he was able to buy a small piece of land in Rincon de Lobos, whereupon he later built a half-timbered house. Prior to that, he had lived in Argentina for six years in the late 1980s. He is therefore very familiar with the Argentine culture and speaks perfect Spanish. After returning to Switzerland, he organized and guided excursions on horseback and on foot in Patagonia.

In 2002, Tamisietta joined the project. She is an avid rider since childhood and has relevant experience in the training of racehorses. Since 2011 we live with our three children Titus, Amadea and Avelina fix in Rincon de Lobos.

We are all certified Pferdeguides of the National Park "Lago Puelo", Bernabé is also a tour operator.


Here is an interview with us ...

